Monday, June 20, 2011

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dear Friends,
Attending the Merkoz Li'Inyanei Chinuch Conference, we gained alot in terms of inspiration and educational tools to take us into our first year teaching. This is an experience we would like to share with other teachers like us, but this annual conference is held in the summer, when most unmarried girls are away. Taking this into account, we approached Rabbi Nochum Kaplan, head of Merkoz and organizer of this event, with the proposition of holding such a conference for single teachers during Chof-Bais Shvat. Rabbi Kaplan is interested, and what we need now is to hear from all of you teachers who are interested, so that we could get started.
Please email us at or All we want to know is an approximate number of single teachers who would, practicalities as of now aside, be interested in attending a Chinuch conference for the pupose of learning new skills and methodologies, networking with other teachers and connecting to the inspiration and guidance the Rebbe empowered us with. We also welcome feedback and suggestions, and look forward to being able to invite you to this conference in the near future.
Zelda and Chanah.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Zman Cheirusainu!!

Just in case anyone still checks this, I hope you all had a meaningful Moshiach seudah and Pesach...I heard something beautiful...although we automatically think that since Pesach is over, so is our opportunity to become free from our boundaries, think again. The BESHT says that by helping another Jew get out of their Meitzar or Tzar one releases themselves from slavery as well...I was excited to hear that Pesach doesn't have to be over. Anway, be well and keep the Pesach holiday within you and around you alive!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

hey gals!!!

hey gals!!!! i B"H got home safely after a very long and annoying flight- i thought it would never end...... have a safe trip home
love mushka yemini

What Really Counts!

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mazal Tov!

Hey everyone!
Mazal Tov to the Weinbergs who finally had a boy, after 6 girls!!
I just got an email from and it was really intersting...
"Growing Up----------There is a time that He relates to us as a father relates to his infant child. We can cry and spit and make those little messes babies make -- but He loves us, just because we are His child.And then there comes a time when we have to grow up and do something."
I'm in Israel now and it's a very 'growing up' kind of experience. Thinkin of you all, kol tuv
Moshiach Right Now!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hey Rivka Leah,

I don't know how else to contact you, or if you'll see this before you get back, but Sharona had her baby (finally! ;)- a boy!

Hope you're enjoying your vacation,

missing you here in VS!